Cuatro siglos de viajes

Sílvia Oller, 12/08/13


De los viajes científicos a los religiosos, pasando por los turísticos o los que permitieron descubrir el Nuevo Mundo de la mano de Cristóbal Colon. Una exposición en la biblioteca del castillo de Peralada permite, a través de libros, guías de viaje o grabados, reseguir la historia y la literatura de viajes a lo largo de cuatro siglos: desde el descubrimiento de América hasta los viajes de los hermanos Antoni y Tomàs Rocabertí,…


The Peralada Castle Museum and, especially, its glass collection joins the celebration of the "International Year of Glass" during the last 2022.

Although the glass collection can be enjoyed, to a large extent, within the visit to the Museum, this year an unprecedented area of the collection located on the main floor of the Castle will be opened to the public. In these rooms, the collector Miguel Mateu Pla located his first glass purchases, so we will immerse ourselves in the museography proposed at the beginning of the 20th century inside a 14th century castle.

This visit will take place on Saturdays, at 12 noon with prior reservation contacting by email: The maximum capacity is 10 people. Price: €10.00.

Entrance: Plaza del Carmen (same door of the Museum). Punctuality is essential since the door will open and close at 12:00.